Hello once again!
It’s been quite some time since I’ve done an update. I’ve got some exciting news! I’ve got my new computer all set up and organized. I’m working hard during my days off to get OBS set up and ready to go! Turns out that the lightning actually did do some damage to my old motherboard and hard drive. I was able to recover what I needed – 20 years of stories and hard work!
Thank goodness for Fancy and Sunny!
I am officially launching on Twitch and Global Comix Sept. 6th at 8pm Est. I’m super excited to share everything with you! You’ll finally see the new model, we’ll discuss some new channel redemptions, new emotes, and the comic! Sept. 6th is fast approaching and I would be honored to have you there with me!
P.S. We got a kitten a month ago. His name is Kiryu.